Thursday 14 January 2016

Class 2 Christmas Trip to Parc Play

Class Two had amazing fun on their trip. They even had a visit from Santa's mischievous elves who hid presents around Parc Play for them to find!
More photos will be available for parents from Mrs Alford.

Monday 4 January 2016

Ordering sizes

Class 2 made 10 worms of different lengths and had to put them in order from longest to shortest. They then took a photo of their results.

Our trip to the Musem

What a busy day we had! First we went to the Natural History section to look for fossils, rocks and dinosaurs that Travelling Ted had seen on his trip on Sunday. Next we had the Dinosaur workshop where we handled and learnt about dinosaur bones. We also had a lovely story about Albi the dinosaur helping to bring theatre to life with our own dinosaur noises. after lunch we went to the shop. Finally we had a short tour around Cardiff.