Friday, 21 March 2014

Sport Relief and bye, bye Mr Pitman!

Well done everyone in taking part in our sporting activities today! We all enjoyed star jumping, running on the spot, balancing a beanbag on our heads and on a bat, target throwing and having a car race! 
We thank everybody for their kind donations.
It has also been a very emotional day for us all in Class 2, as it was Mr Pitman's last day in our school. We will miss him so much but we also wish him all the luck in his new job! We had a super fun party in his honour!

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Shrove Tuesday and St.David's Day!

Another busy and very exciting week in Class 2! 

On Tuesday it was Shrove Tuesday and we made pancakes with Mrs.Hatter and Mr.Pitman. We tasted lots of different toppings and chose our favourite two toppings to put on our pancake. 
They were delicious!

We also learnt about St.David and we had our school EIsteddfod on Friday! Well done everyone for your fantastic singing and to the three girls who said the recitation so beautifully. 
Congratulations to Ava-Lee for coming first in the art competition and to Nicole for coming first in the handwriting competition!

Well done everyone for all your hard work this week and you all looked fantastic in your welsh costumes!