Monday, 17 November 2014

Children in need day

The children were concentrating hard as they coloured, cut out and played welsh colour bingo with Pudsey bear.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Ai words

Jamie worked hard to make a snail. He was able to sound the word out and say that it had an 'ai' sound. He even made the sound out of play dough! Well done Jamie!

The Adventures of Super Cat

Following on from Shoo Rayner's visit the children made their own cartoon adventures for Super Cat.
The children looked at other cartoons to identify features like speech bubbles, sounds and how they are set out.
I'm sure the cartoonist would be delighted to see their imaginative and well drawn story boards. Well done children!

Friday, 31 October 2014

Shoo Rayner's visit

The children really enjoyed meeting Shoo and learnt how to draw Super Cat and Bad Dog. Shoo gave step by step instructions on how to draw them which the children followed carefully as they drew. What super artists we have in class 2!

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Happy harvest!

The children picked a bumper crop of parsnips to make our carrot and parsnip soup this week. First they counted them and added sets of veg. Then they washed, peeled, chopped and finally ate the soup. They did the washing up too! The children used fruit and veg to print a pattern on their healthy eating place mats.

Fair trade week

Dressed as super heroes the children used fruit and veg to make models. They worked really well together to produce some fantastic pieces.
The following day the children helped to make chocolate milk shake and banana and chocolate smoothie. The milk shake was the popular choice.

Friday, 13 June 2014

World Cup International Day!

We had a really fun day on Thursday to celebrate the beginning of the World Cup. We coloured and made the Brazilian flag, dressed up from countries taking part in the cup, located some of the countries on a globe, had a game of football and did some salsa/samba dancing too!! Thank you all for your kind donations for the Brazilian rainforest.
This week we completed our mini-beast models and they look fantastic! 

Friday, 6 June 2014

More Mini-beast fun!

In the last couple of weeks we have had lots of fun researching and experiencing a range of mini-beast related lessons. We made worms from play-dough and compared their length, created a mini-beast dance in PE and we gave directions to a friend moving on a map that was based on the story 'The hungry caterpillar'. 
In DT we have chosen which mini-beast we would like to make from reclaimed materials and have made a plan with labels. Some of us have started to make our mini-beast too.We will continue with this task next week.
Also this week we watched 'Mary's garden' puppet show and thought carefully about what we might need to set up our class role-play area into a garden centre.